Laser Vision Correction


LASIK (Laser Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis) treats refractive errors by reshaping the cornea. It can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism thereby reducing or eliminating the need for glasses. With monovision correction, LASIK can also correct presbyopia which is the need for reading glasses.

The procedure involves creating a thin corneal flap using a laser, reshaping the corneal tissue beneath the flap using an excimer laser, followed by folding the flap back into it's original position. Visual recovery is rapid and patients experience minimal post-operative discomfort.


PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) is similar to LASIK in that it involves using an excimer laser to reshape the cornea. It also corrects nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism thereby reducing or eliminating the need for glasses. With monovision correction, PRK may also reduce the need for reading glasses.

The procedure is different in that the laser energy is applied to the surface of the cornea without first creating a flap of corneal tissue. Visual recovery occurs a little more slowly (5-7 days) and involves a little more post-operative discomfort. The accuracy and visual outcomes of LASIK and PRK are the same.

Laser Technology

As laser technology has advanced, the risk of unwanted night time visual side-effects such as halos and glare has been greatly reduced. We are proud to offer the latest in these advancements using Wavefront Optimized(R) treatments performed with the Wavelight(R) Allegretto Wave(R) excimer laser.

What Are the Risks Involved with LASIK and PRK?

When performed by an experienced surgeon, the risks of both LASIK and PRK are low. At your consultation, your doctor will discuss the risks, benefits, and alternatives associated with your procedure.

Will I Need Glasses in the Future?

the goal of most laser vision correction procedures is to correct distance vision. As the eye ages, it loses its ability to read close-up due to a change in the flexibility of the lens. This is called presbyopia and affects most people around the age of 43. At this age, you may require reading glasses for many daily tasks. Some patients may choose to correct one eye for distance and the other for near. This is called monovision, and it may reduce the need for reading glasses.

Am I A Candidate for Laser Vision Correction?

In order to determine if you may benefit from one of these procedures, you may schedule a free laser vision consultation. At your visit, your doctor will:

      1. Determine your corrected and uncorrected vision.
      2. Measure your current prescription.
      3. Obtain a detailed computerized map of your cornea to determine the surface shape (topography).
      4. Evaluate the health of your eyes.
      5. Discuss your options for laser vision correction.
      6. Answer your questions regarding your procedure.